What does “abandon skip” mean?
It means a few things that describe what this blog is about:
- Our leaders have abandoned Australia to the forces of immigration, multiculturalism, and globalisation.
- We have turned our backs and run away from these problems, instead of facing them.
- If we are not careful, Australia may become so foreign that future generations will reach the “abandon ship” stage, and want to leave.
- Other Western countries are being described as galloping into cultural surrender. Australia is likewise hopping into cultural surrender.
If Australia was a ship, it would be sinking. This website says 'enough' of submitting to the seemingly unstoppable forces. It is time to put the spotlight on these dangerous policies. Otherwise, the problems will be passed onto our children. We want to stop the “abandon skip” mentality. No more running from these problems.
Last call for drinks, Australia
In a pub, a last call is usually announced 10-15 minutes before the bar closes for the night, urging the customers to buy one more drink while they still can.
If Australia was a pub, it would be near closing time.
We are at a defining point in our history. Our nation is being flooded by immigration, divided by multiculturalism, and surrendered to globalisation. Australia, as you know it, will soon cease to exist - it’s future identity unknown and a cause for concern.
Hotel Australia is near closing time, and tomorrow it will be sold to new owners. What plans the new owners have for the pub is anyone’s guess. But judging by other nations that are further down the path of change, you won’t like it. The question is whether we all sit around and order one last round of drinks, or we rally and try to save what’s left of the pub.
Across the globe, people are waking up to the problem. Australia has the advantage of learning from other countries who are further down the path of change.
There won't be much of my own thoughts on this website. Rather, this blog will seek to highlight important information from the growing list of websites and news articles that are documenting the “Death of the West”.
Note - for international readers, the term Skip refers to an Australian of Anglo-Celtic descent, more or less.
Isn't "abandon skip" a negative and defeatist title?
Maybe, but the target audience of this blog are Australians that don't seem to recognise the problem. You have to point out the problem before people see the need for a solution. Inch by inch, day by day, we see evidence of the surrender of Australia to foreign interests. I want to highlight this process so folks can feel the loss. Only then will they be moved into action.
What hit me between the eyes were the words "the Death of the West". That's a negative statement, but that's what it took to wake me up.
Am I a Christian or a racist hate-monger?
No, neither. I once was a Christian, but I am now a happy atheist/agnostic - although I do retain most Christian values. I don't hate any race or religion, and I respect the beauty of each within its own kind. However, I believe that diversity has its limits and, in recent times, peoples' tolerance has been stretched beyond breaking point. I don't believe that all races and cultures are compatible and can comfortably co-exist.
Tips for reading blogsThis website is called a blog (short for web log). It functions like a diary: the most recent entries are shown first. Since most of the politically incorrect news is spread through a network of blogs, you will probably want to get yourself a
news reader such as
Google Reader (it's free). You will need to sign up for a Google Account, if you don't already have one through Gmail.
A news reader looks like an email program. To receive updates from your chosen websites/blogs you need to subscribe to them. Most websites will have a subscribe link on them e.g. this blog has one at the bottom of the main screen "
Subscribe to: Posts (Atom)" (click on the website title to go back to the main screen). The subscribe links are usually called Atom or RSS. Click on the link and copy the address (which in this case is
http://abandonskip.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default) into your reader 'subscribe' box and click on the 'subscribe' button. You can manage your subscriptions within folders just like an email program.
Or, if you have a Google Account, just click on this button to subscribe to posts ...

A news reader allows you to skim posts from a large number of blogs/websites, saving you the trouble of visiting each website to (a) see if there is anything new, and (b) whether it is of any interest to you. Good luck.
Also, some websites (or pages within websites) allow you to subscribe to comments as well.
Please Note: whilst this blog deals at times with the issue of race, Robert Spencer and Hugh Fitzgerald of Jihad Watch (whom I frequently quote) hold the view that the anti-jihad resistance is not about race.