6 April 2008, Fjordman:
An American friend of mine has proposed that native Europeans should create a European Indigenous People's Movement. I have hesitated with supporting this because it sounded a bit too extreme. However, in more and more European cities, the native population is being pushed out of their own neighborhoods by immigrant gangs. The natives receive little or no aid from their authorities, sometimes blatant hostility, when faced with immigrant violence. In an age where the global population increases with billions of people in a few decades, it is entirely plausible, indeed likely, that the West could soon become demographically overwhelmed. Not few of our intellectuals seem to derive pleasure from this thought.Whoa! Standing ovation time! Well said, Fjordman.
Bat Ye'or in her book about Eurabia has documented how the European Union is actively allowing Muslims to colonize European countries. The next time EU leaders complain about China's treatment of minorities, I suggest the Chinese answer the following: "Yes, we represent an anti-democratic organization dedicated to subduing the indigenous people of Tibet, but you represent an anti-democratic organization dedicated to displacing the indigenous peoples of an entire continent." ...In decadent societies of the past, the authorities didn't open the gates to hostile nations and ban opposition to this as intolerance and barbarophobia. What we are dealing with in the modern West is not merely decadence; it's one of the greatest betrayals in history. Our so-called leaders pass laws banning the opposition to our dispossession as "racism and hate speech." To native Europeans, when listening to our media and our leaders, it's as if we don't even exist, as if it were normal for them to put the interests of other nations over their own. Despite having "democratic" governments, many Western countries have authorities that are more hostile to their own people than dictators in some developing countries. Why? ...
Numbers discussed in 2008 showed clearly that mass immigration has had no positive effects on the economy in Britain, and I have seen similar calculations from France, Denmark and Norway, among others. On the contrary, it is a drain on the finances of the native population, and that's even if we don't count the wave of terrorism, insecurity and street violence which is sweeping Western Europe, from Sweden via Germany to the Netherlands. On top of this, the costs of destruction of national cohesion and weakened cultural legacies are incalculable, yet mass immigration continues as if nothing has happened. In April 2008, a report indicated that Spain needed over two million new foreign workers just until 2020, many of whom are likely to come from Muslim North Africa ...... until recently most Europeans were overwhelmingly the descendants of men and women who had lived in the region for tens of thousands of years ...
Why is it considered ridiculous or evil if Europeans assert our rights? Is it because we are white? Everybody's supposed to keep their culture, except people of European origins? Is that it? Why is colonialism bad, except when my country, which has no colonial history, gets colonized by Third World peoples?
Western Europeans have in recent years accepted more immigration in a shorter period of time than any society has ever done peacefully in human history. If we want a break we have the right to do so. What we are dealing with is not "immigration" but colonization, and in the case of Muslims, internationally organized attempts to conquer of our countries. If non-Europeans have the right to resist colonization then so do Europeans.... if the Algerians can demand independence from France, why can't the French demand independence from Algerians? ...
I like cultural diversity and would hope this could be extended to include my culture, too. Or is Multiculturalism simply a hate ideology designed to unilaterally dismantle European culture and the peoples who created it? If people in Cameroon or Cambodia can keep their culture, why can't the peoples who produced Beethoven, Newton, Copernicus, Michelangelo and Louis Pasteur do the same? ...
... you have a natural right to self-preservation if you are an amoeba, but not if you're a Scandinavian. Maybe the solution then is to argue that Scandinavians are indeed a species of amoebas, and that we need special protection by the WWF ...
For simply suggesting that I would not enjoy being turned into a persecuted minority in my own country, I have been accused of being a "white nationalist," which says a great deal about how demonized people of European ancestry have become ...I started out initially writing almost exclusively about Islam, and I still write predominantly about Islam. However, I have gradually realized that we are dealing with an entire regime of censorship that needs to be removed before we can deal with Islam ...
I do not see anybody else quietly accept being turned into a minority in the country where their ancestors have lived since the end of the last Ice Age, and I cannot see why I should have to do so, either. I don't care if white Westerners are "scared of being called a racist." I will not leave a ruined land behind to my descendants because I was afraid of being called bad names. If you think it is "racist" for Europeans to preserve their heritage and protect their children from abuse, then I'm not the bigot here. You are.
I hereby propose that native Europeans should create a European Indigenous People's Movement, on behalf of the traditional majority populations of Britain, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Sweden, Austria, Belgium, the Netherlands, Denmark etc., inspired by the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. The European Indigenous People's Movement should support the right of Europe's indigenous peoples to preserve their self-determination, traditions, sovereignty and culture as majority peoples in their own lands.
The list of goals and objectives should include ...Mr. Franco Frattini of the EU Commission, the unelected and unaccountable government for nearly half a billion people, has stated that Europeans should accept further tens of millions of immigrants within a generation. The British Foreign Minister Milliband stated late in 2007 that the EU should expand to include Muslim nations in North Africa and the Middle East. The French President Sarkozy and the German Chancellor Angela Merkel confirmed this early in 2008. This is part of an organized attempt to surrender Europe to Islamization that has been going on for decades. Since the European Union involves the free movement of people across borders, European leaders are opening the floodgates to tens of millions of Muslims and other non-indigenous peoples at a time when native Europeans fear for the survival of their civilization and feel like aliens in their own cities.
Based on this evidence, the European Union can hardly be seen as anything other than a criminal organization dedicated to the demographic dispossession and cultural marginalization of the indigenous peoples of an entire continent. Consequently, the EU should be immediately and totally dissolved. Native Europeans should demand that we have an interim period with public de-Eurabification, where the lies propagated by pro-Islamic Multiculturalists should be removed from our history books, and a proper respect for European cultural traditions should be restored. Those officials on senior levels who have participated in the creation of Eurabia should stand trial for crimes against their civilization.
Preserving indigenous Europeans will require more than stopping mass immigration and asserting native majority rights, because that still doesn't prevent the demographic takeover through high Muslim birthrates. Unless you want an Islamic takeover, European Muslim population will have to be limited with either a birthrate policy, deportations, or by cutting your losses and seeking independence from your Muslims.
Australians of Anglo/European origin should seek a similiar movement to limit the growth of our immigrant populations. We don't have the claim to a comparatively long history here, but our future minority status is also inevitable unless we act in our own interests.
Pictures from Immigration: The Inconvenient Truth, Channel 4 Dispatches investigation.
For the record, not that I have concrete ideas, I favour a "native title for all" approach in Australia i.e. breaking Oz up into racial, religious, ethnic, and/or ideological zones (which could also provide separate zones of multiculti for those who truly can't live without diversity). To effectively formalise, solidify, and limit the colonisation process. Give everybody their own space and say, regarding demographic and cultural change, 'enough is enough'.
I agree. In Britain, an organisation for the indigenous British people already exists: The BNP.
But guess what? Because it stands up for the native people of Britain, it gets called racist.
The 'anti'-racists seem to want a coffee coloured global monoculture. Replacing all the various indigenous races of the world with a single coffee coloured 'master race'.
Eradicating all the native people in the world seems to be very racist to me, so it is in fact the 'anti'-racists who are the biggest racists of all. There's nothing racist about indigenous people wanting to preserve their own unique identity and DNA. It is perfectly acceptable.
"I started out initially writing almost exclusively about Islam, and I still write predominantly about Islam. However, I have gradually realized that we are dealing with an entire regime of censorship that needs to be removed before we can deal with Islam ..."
Duhhhhh! At last we see some sense from European indigenes, who for too long act as if the Islamist lobbyists amended by proxy our immigration laws to facilitate the "invasion". The problem is not so much one of the fact that the Islamists are here, but that they are here as a function of policy. The enemy is behind the gates and presumes to speak for the White Man. He looks like us, feigns to speak as one of us in public, but whispers his poisons quietly amongst his own and those Judas traitors he has purchased and whose arses he now owns.
Close the gates completely to all new immigrants and get the house in order, before it's too late, and we are ruled by the Multicultural hordes who have been empowered by the fraud that is "Democracy".
See who extends their claws, gnashes their sharp teeth, stamps their tiny bloodied feets, and whines for more "hate laws", gesticulates "Nazi" and wails "pouisecushun" and "racist" the loudest. Then look the petulant Princesses in their shifty lyin'eyes and tell 'em, forthrightly, for once in their pampered regal lives, to SHUT THE F***K UP while we restore what is ours…….OUR heritage and future….not THEIRS. Ours which is at risk purely as a faecal function of deferring to their world view, and putting up with their dialectical SHIT, their endless stinking lies and obnoxious obfuscations for far, far too long.
"Australians of Anglo/European origin should seek a similiar movement to limit the growth of our immigrant populations. We don't have the claim to a comparatively long history here, but our future minority status is also inevitable unless we act in our own interests."
Australia's comparatively short history doesn't alter the fact that Europeans built the modern Australian nation. Nobody else. Australian's Anglo-European population has every right to assert itself as the majority. We have every right to preserve the historic culture and identity of the nation our ancestors created.
I would argue that those seeking to 'de-Europeanise' Australia through massive non-European immigration are the real racists. They are the ones waging a war against the historic peoplehood and culture of Australia simply because traditional Australia happened to be too 'white' for their liking.
While checking out the mail site also checkout moslem paedos are refusing treatment in prison backed by their rep....reason it's against islam.
Well i guess with mo's past it is difficult to admit he was a pervert.
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